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Epicenter (2000)

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Epicenter (2000) Empty Epicenter (2000)

Epicenter is a movie made in the year 2000. I bought it because I sometimes have the urge to watch a bit of a no-thinker movie. What better movie for this then a disaster movie, mostly they are all the same, some town/city has a big disaster, and among the few people who struggle to survive there is a person who has a bad relation and someone who has lost someone dear to him (to the disaster). They find eachother, and survive living happely ever after.
Judging the cover this wasn't going to be much different from what I said earlier, but that is where it took a suprising turn. It started of being more of a crime movie, too bad the cover showed that something bad was going to happen. Now I was waiting the entire time for a city to go down in ruins.
Below the cover there might be some aware!
Epicenter (2000) T17045q306x
Like I said earlier, the movie starts of like a crime movie. Some guy trying to steal data from his own company to sell to the maffia for allot of money. And guess what, here we have our first default figure, the person who has lost someone dear to him. Ofcourse he is able to steal the data from the high security office and gets out.
We also meet a lady who has a bad relation with her daughter, she is unable to spend time with her because of her job (do we see the second default figure here?). Anyway, she is an undercover FBI agent working on a case to stop the first figure from completing his revenge and selling the info to the maffia.
She gets her moment, takes him in and after some discussion guides him to Los Angeles to hand him over to the FBI there. And you never guess, but her daughter also got to Los Angeles (from San Francisco) one way or the other, and stays with her dad over there. They decide to meet there, since the mother is going there anyway, and talk things over. The maffia meanwhile has made a set up to get the data from our criminal, and while everything goes down and the gunfight between the FBI and maffia starts an earthquake hits.
At this moment the movie takes a really ugly turn, it wasn't much before (acting wasn't very good) but the effects from this point on are horrible and unbelievable. Bricks fall down from buildings made out of concrete and glass. People get hit by those bricks or even concrete poles, and just continue running. And there is so much happening all of a sudden, you see places and people you have no relation with in a city where you have even less of a relation with (the biggest part took place in San Francisco).
At this point our FBI agent and criminal have to work together to get out, and ofcourse get to the FBI agent's daughter. Meanwhile the maffia is still after them.

How it ends, well I'm sure everyone can guess. But there is a small suprise, for those who still feel like watching this movie. I have seen allot of movies, but this one was close to one of the worst. I wouldn't advice it to anyone.

Posts : 2238
Join date : 2009-08-18
Age : 42
Location : Zoetermeer

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